
Stop drinking liquid fat

Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are CAUSATIVE for Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and some cancers. Dr. Lewert urges parents to restrict consumption of sugar; ESPECIALLY FRUIT JUICE AND SODA....he reviews the nutritional biochemistry (very basic) of fructose contained in these products and illustrates similarities between drinking ALCOHOL AND SODA.

Nutritional Strategies for Osteoporosis Prevention

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Learn the important safe sources of calcium as well as HOW TO CHOOSE HEALTHY FOODS that promote strong bones.

Intervertebral Disc; How spine trauma can lead to degenerative disc disease

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Dr. Lewert illustrates how injuries to the spine may produce disc herniation and lead to development of spinal arthritis. Basic and functional anatomy of the healthy disc are reviewed and contrasted with the "injured" disc. Conservative treatment options for prevention of progression of disc herniation are reviewed.

Whiplash Associated Disorders; A review of the evidence-based literature

This is a presentation intended for attorneys, paralegals, physicians, and treating patients... with over 50 references to the peer reviewed literature. Dr. Lewert reviews factors which contribute to poor outcome / chronic pain following whiplash. Injuries to the facet capsular ligaments, intervertebral disc, and multifidus muscles are reviewed as well as their roll in producing chronic pain following whiplash.

Nutritional Strategies for Osteoporosis Prevention, Weight loss, and Healthy Cardiovascular Sysytem

Learn the important safe sources of calcium as well as HOW TO CHOOSE HEALTHY FOODS that promote strong bones.